Writer’s Block – How To Overcome


Recently, I read a book called The Truth About The Harry Quebert Affair by Joel Dicker. The book follows the protagonist Marcus Goldman, a famous writer, suffering from a terrible case of writer’s block. Though the book is not about writer’s block, the problem plays a major role in the plot. I often get inquiries about writer’s block and how to overcome writer’s block. I have been stalling writing about this because overcoming writer’s block can be a challenge. Moreover, some writers don’t even agree that this problem even exists. So, I thought of not writing about writer’s block, writer’s block symptoms, and writer’s block causes. But then because of the growing demand, I thought of biting the bullet.

Before getting started, let me introduce myself quickly. I am Anasua Ghosh. I am the author of three published novels. In my spare time, I offer writing coaching and mentoring to aspiring writers. Also, I am an avid reader and a life coach. You can find my recently published novel Kingdom Of Clay Book 1 on Amazon. KOC is a high fantasy trilogy which follows the theme of dark magic. With that being said, let’s talk about how to overcome writer’s block.  

Writer’s Block Symptoms

Well, the major writer’s block symptom is not being able to write. I believe it is the most terrible and common symptom. Other symptoms can be anxiety, worry, nausea, and headache. Sometimes writers lose appetite when they fail to write. I am not sure about any other writer’s block symptoms

Causes Of Writer’s Block

While discussing the causes of writer’s block, we will deal with the question – how to overcome writer’s block. The key causes of writer’s block are –

Cause One - Lack Of Character Development

Your characters are your stories. Therefore, if you don’t know about your characters, you are setting yourself up for a block. Even if you are writing a plot-driven story, you need to develop your characters to drive your plot forward.

The Cure 

To overcome this problem, you need to spend time with your characters. You need to know everything about them. Even if you don’t use everything in the story, as the creator of the characters, you should get deeper and find out everything about the people who will be featured in your book. A character sketch or profile will help you here. The more you know about your characters, the better you will tell their stories. So, don’t skip this part.

Cause Two - Trend Following

Sometimes writers try to follow the trend to sell more books. This is a sure way to walk into a block. If you are a romance writer but want to write a high fantasy because it is in trend, you may write yourself to a corner and never come out. 

The Cure

Write what you love – is the only advice I can impart. If you like romance - write romance. If you like fantasy – write fantasy. Don’t follow the trend. It does not work.

Cause Three – Pantsing 

Well, I have considered myself to be a pantser once. I even bragged about writing without a roadmap. I used to sit and bang words down on the papers. It was fun. It was daring. It was romantic. Until it pushed me towards dead ends multiple times. I failed to write a single book pantsing. Then I realized that I should be a safe driver and create a roadmap first. So, writing without an outline can be a cause of writer’s block. 

The Cure 

To know how to overcome writer’s block, you should know how to create book outlines first. I agree that it is not romantic and at times the process seems too technical. But to avoid the pitfall of writer’s block, you should give the outline a try. 

Lastly, there are other ways to overcome writer’s block. If you are writing the same genre for a long time, you may find yourself blocked. In that case, switching genres helps. My humblest request is to go easy on yourself if you are going through a block. Don’t beat yourself up for not being able to write. Always remember that – this too shall pass

With this, I am going to wrap it up. I will be back with more on writing, till then write and have fun.         
